Research & Monitoring

Analytical. Scientific. Data-based.

Research and monitoring for financial professionals like you

Are you looking for active, sound financial market analyses as a basis for your investment decisions? Are you interested in approaches that deal with the interpretation of information and the formation of expectations derived from it? Do you value state-of-the-art research methods for mapping your investment approach?

Exzellent with «New Finance»

For over 30 years, we’ve been providing our professional clients with a comprehensive basis for decision-making with the Unifinanz ‘Monitor’. The ‘Monitor’ was developed by Alfons Cortés on the basis of ‘new finance’ (behavioural, neuro, and evolutionary finance). Institutional investors, financial intermediaries, banks, insurance companies, and asset managers benefit from this active financial market analysis in the areas of equity regions, equity sectors, and foreign exchange.


Find out more below.

How it works

How it works

Together excellent - on the basis of an active financial market analysis


As an early adopter in Europe we support institutional investors, financial intermediaries, banks and insurance companies providing active, technical financial markets analysis on the basis of “New Finance” integrating the sectors global securities, shares by regions and currencies/forex markets.


Our target is to supply our customers with a simple utilisation and integration of our research material, which bases on Neuro- and Evolutionary Finance to map their own investment approach.


For this purpose we maintain a constant and intensive exchange of ideas with recognised scientists. For more than twenty years we have been compiling financial market analysis applying scientific and practical findings which are published as “The Monitor” in its ninth revised “generation”.





Complex and adaptive - from Behavioral Finance to New Finance


Financial markets are not because of the subject as such complex. They are complex because of the many millions of brains, which more or less based on the same data at more or less the same point in time confront themselves with these markets. The disparities are not in the data but in the brains, which – naturally, vary from individual to individual. Different brains interpret data divergingly.


These brains are adaptive because they try to figure out how other brains could react on certain patterns, which they have triggered by their own actions. Complexity and adaptation are leading elements in New Finance, a term which comprises Behavioral-, Neuro- and Evolutionary Finance. Behavioral Finance deals with the relationship of an individual vis à vis the market. Neuro Finance explores the neuro biological foundations which have been determined by Behavioral Finance as systematic behavioral norms. Evolutionary Finance, finally, analyses the interactions of investment rules in the markets. Evolutionary Finance does not grade the methods applied and the theories on which they base.


The analysis is designed to uncover the mindset and at best the theory behind the regime of the markets. For this purpose we apply a model based on data generated by the markets, which indicate to us the origin, the growth and disintegration of dominant regimes and supports us to - well ahead of its development recognise significant deferments of preferences among asset classes, currencies, countries, sectors and industries.



Scope of services

Scope of services

Our offering comprises the analysis of security and foreign exchange markets. The sector securities includes both regional shares as well as analyses by sectors (in accordance with MSCI World).


Equity Monitors


The Equity Monitors contain the analysis of the condition of the financial markets, a pattern forecast and our own conclusion. They serve as tool to determine an investment strategy. In addition a selection of attractive shares is picked onto a “Focus-List” out of a title universe comprising 1’600 shares. It is a top-down approach. Examples can be found here.



  • Switzerland
  • Euro-Europe
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Asia-Pacific



  • Communication Services
  • Consumer Discretionary
  • Consumer Staples
  • Energy
  • Financials
  • Healthcare
  • Industrials
  • Information Technology
  • Materials
  • Real Estate
  • Utilities


Currency Monitor


The Currency Monitor deals with the most important global currencies relative to the CHF, EUR, USD and GBP.. In addition we analyse gold und silver for the purpose of detecting medium-term trends.





Equity Monitor – a regional investment approach


Individual securities

The analysis of a title universe of more than 1’600 securities of the most important equities regions in accordance with MSCI World.



The analysis of the most important regional indices in accordance with MSCI World.


Global Sector Monitor – supporting the sectoral investment approach


The analysis comprises a title universe exceeding 1’600 securities split by 11 sectors in accordance with MSCI World.


Contents shown on the basis of a Global Sector Monitor Consumer Discretionary (abstract)

  • Info box on Market Rating, Rate of Change, Market Breadth and Structure
  • Focus-List with Additions, Deletions and Holds
  • Region-Profile
  • Markt Breadth
  • Industry-Profile
  • Individual Securities-Profile
  • Trends and Momentum



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